
  • Hidayatun Ni'mah Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe
  • Fitro'atun Novita Univeritas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban
  • Dyah Kurniawati
  • Budi Susatyo


classroom management style, classroom management, students' response


This study is aimed at figuring out an EFL teacher’s classroom management styles and the students’ responses toward the classroom management styles applied in teaching and learning process. This study was conducted under the qualitative case study design. The case involved a teacher and 18 students. The data were gathered from classroom observation, questionnaire, and interview. Based on the findings, the teacher dominantly used authoritative classroom. The students presented positive response toward the teacher classroom management styles. The students tend to listen and act out based on what the teacher suggested or instructed. The results are expected to raise the EFL teachers’ awareness that managing classroom is valuable. Further research with more representative respondents is recommended.


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How to Cite

Ni'mah, H., Novita, F., Dyah Kurniawati, & Budi Susatyo. (2022). ANALYZING LECTURER CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT STYLE IN ENGLISH CLASS AT UNIROW TUBAN. Prosiding SNasPPM, 7(1), 1057–1063. Retrieved from