Language is a mode of communication used to convey information or messages. People utilize language in the communication process to express ideas, opinions, thoughts, or desires, whether spoken or written. Music has evolved in humans daily lives since the era of globalization. People express their emotions through their lyrics. The message contained in a song is called a moral value. This research aimed to find out moral values in the lyrics of the selected song by Harris J and to find out the most dominant kind of moral values appearing in the lyrics of Harris J’s selected song. In the scope of the research, the researchers limited the study to moral values in Harris J’s selected songs: Save Me From Myself (2017), Human (2019), Living Life (2021), Phases (2022), and Dear God (2023). A descriptive-qualitative approach was used by the researchers to find out the moral values in the song. The results of this research indicate that there are moral values in Harris J’s selected songs, such as curiosity 4 (9%), hard-working 6 (13%), honest 5 (11%), peaceful 11 (25%), religious 10 (22%), responsibility 2 (5%), social care 1 (2%), and thankful 6 (13%). The most dominant moral value is peaceful (25%). Hopefully, this research can help educators or parents in their efforts to instill moral values in the family, school, and society.
Keywords: Harris J.; Moral Values; Song
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