
  • Win Darmanto Universitas Airlangga
  • Minoru Inouye Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University, Nagoya Japan
  • Yoshiharu Murata Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University, Nagoya Japan


Abnormal Purkinje cell, Cerebellum, Cyclotron, gamma X-rays.


X-rays irradiation has been used in the photo thorax and dental panoramic photo, as well cyclotron
which has been widely used to treat cancer is also electromagnetic radiation. Both X-rays and cyclotron have
the risk of causing damage to the cell and tissue, both in embryonic tissue or adult tissue. Previously we showed
that prenatal X-rays gamma irradiation of rats during the late gestation period caused apoptosis of granule cell
in the cerebellum. The present report was demonstrate the risk of gamma X-irradiation and cyclotron irradiation
kind of gamma irradiation, caused histological abnormal in the cerebellum, especially in in the development of
Purkinje cells. Pregnant rats were exposed 2.5 Gy X-irradiation and 1.5 Gy Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in
Chiba (HIMAC) or Cyclotron radiation on gestation day 21 respectively. Pups of rats were observed on
postnatal day 5 (P5) and P9. Their cerebella were observed by immunohistochemically to identify Purkinje cells.
By postnatal days 5 and 9 of pups, Purkinje cells develop abnormally with shorter and abnormal oriented
dendrites and some were failed to migrate. Our research also demonstrate that X-irradiation on GD-21 causes
cell death in the EGL resulting in a decreased level of Reelin in the early neonatal period. The lack of Reelin at
this stage may contribute to the permanent derangement of Purkinje cells, and possibly also to abnormal
foliation of the cerebellum, as we observed before. We suggested effects of cyclotron, also induced decreased
level of reelin, so we need to observed level of reelin caused by cyclotron. These results of this report will be
necessary to make the security procedure in operating the device that uses gamma radiation


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How to Cite

Win Darmanto, Inouye, M. ., & Murata, Y. . (2017). RISK OF GAMMA X-RAYS IRRADIATION AND CYCLOTRON EXPOSURE IN THE BRAIN DEVELOPMENT OF RATS. Prosiding SNasPPM, 1(1), 1–7. Retrieved from http://prosiding.unirow.ac.id/index.php/SNasPPM/article/view/4