Development of Moral Dilemma Model in Elementary School


  • Aiman Faiz
  • Kama Abdul Hakam
  • Juntika Nurihsan
  • Kokom Komalasari


Model development, moral dilemma, cognitive


The purpose of this research is to produce a product of digital animation set in a hypothetical moral
dilemma. The development of this moral dilemma model uses Borg &Gall's Research and Development
method. But at the time this article was compiled, this research is still at the 3rd stage of Develop
preliminary form of product. The setting of this research was tested at SDN 4 Kenanga. The results of the
initial concept of research illustrate that cognitive morals must be applied early to students in order to
solve problems and make decisions with careful consideration. Cognitive moral development can be
applied by the method of moral dilemma to make children think critically, not only say the right answer,
but can stimulate the child to mature moral thinking and considerations. The development of this concept
will be further developed with educational-based applications. Thus, it can be concluded that the concept
of developing moral dilemmas through the media becomes one of the needs that need to be developed in
the pandemic, one of which is with digital animation. The concept of digital animation is expected to be
one of the media that provides novelty in education in Indonesia that began to face a period of saturation
in the midst of the pandemic


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