Mathematics Self-Efficacy of Junior High School Students in Solving the Problem of Equation of Straight Line


  • N Mulyawati
  • Wahyudin


self-efficacy, solving the problem, equation of straight line


Self-efficacy has an important role in student success. Mathematics self-efficacy and sources of student
self-efficacy are important determinants of mathematics achievement. The purpose of this study is to find
out how the mathematics self-efficacy of junior high school students in solving the problem of equation
of straight line. This research employed a qualitative research method with a case study research design.
This research involved 6 students who had studied equations of straight line. Subjects filled out selfefficacy


worked on questions about the problem of equations of straight line. The results of this study
found that students who have high self-efficacy are more confident in their abilities. They completed the
problems completely with sequential and clear steps. Meanwhile, students with medium self-efficacy
were still not sure what they are doing. The answers given was still incomplete. Students with low selfefficacy

were also still confused and unsure about doing the questions given. This can be seen from the
incomplete steps of the solution and some parts that were not written in solving the problems. This study
shows that mathematics self-efficacy affects students in solving problems.


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