Gas Leak Detector Prototype Using MQ2 Sensor and Arduino Uno-Based Air Suction Tool


  • Yudi Irawan Chandra
  • Kosdiana
  • Marti Riastuti


Gas Leak Detector, MQ2 Sensor, Arduino Uno


The Indonesian people as users of LPG gas cylinders are increasing from year to year. This situation
occurs because of the implementation of a government program, namely the conversion of kerosene to
LPG gas with the aim of diverting subsidies and the use of kerosene to gas. Users of LPG gas cylinders
are not only limited to urban communities, but now they have penetrated into remote areas of the
countryside. The LPG gas cylinders that are most widely used by the community are those measuring 3
Kg and 12 Kg. Because the price is affordable and relatively easy to find in residential areas. The many
risks of gas leaks in the community make people nervous, therefore people need a tool that can provide
early warning if a gas leak occurs. This gas leak detector uses the MQ2 gas sensor as a gas substance
detector and the Arduino Uno as a processing tool. This tool will provide information in the form of
sound and warning lights, as for prevention by using a fan that functions to remove gaseous substances in
the room. This tool is designed to detect gas leaks in the room.


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