Analysis Of Teachers 'Abilities Innovation And Creativity To Make Biological Learning Devices Based On Local Potential During The Covid 19 Pandemic


  • Supiana Dian Nurtjahyani
  • Sukisno
  • Tabitha Sri Hartati Wulandari
  • Dede Nuraida
  • Lailatul Mufidah


Innovation and Creativity, Local Potential, Pandemic, Covid 19


The teaching and learning process during the COVID 19 pandemic requires innovation and creativity in making learning devices. Biology learning tools can be developed from local potentials so that they can support the biology learning process. The purpose of this study was to analyze the ability make biological learning and response of teachers in innovation and creativity during the COVID 19 pandemic. The method in this study was an experiment with a training and mentoring approach, a sample of Biology teachers at SMP members of the Natural Sciences Teacher Group Discusion in Tuban Regency. The results showed that biology teachers were able to make biology learning tools based on local potential in the majority of 34 (68%) student worksheets (68%) and 15 (35%) practical instructions and 1 (2%) lesson plans. The response of teachers in innovation activities and creativity in making biology learning tools based on local potential is very positive, shown by the results of the questionnaire answers to the questions, the majority strongly agree (30%) and agree (70%) Conclusion biology teachers are able to make biology learning tools based on local potential and the response is positive.


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