Application Of Role-Playing Learning Methods Through Google Meet Media To Improve Speaking Skills In Distance Learning (Dl)


  • Yudha Budhi Priyantoro
  • Moh.Mu’minin


Google meet, method, role playing, speaking skills


This study aims to (1) Increasing the speaking skills of the sixth-grade students of SDN Sidomukti I by using the role-playing method through google meet media, and (2) Increase the response of the sixth-grade students of SDN Sidomukti I by using the role-playing method through google meet media. This study used a Classroom Action Research design (CAR). The subjects of this study were sixth-grade students of SDN Sidomukti I. The data collection method used was the test method and the questionnaire method. Analysis data were using qualitative descriptive techniques and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that there is an increase in the average percentage of speaking skills, namely in the first cycle of 58.8% to 82.3% in the second cycle this shows an increase in the average percentage of language skills in role-playing activities in children from the first cycle to the second cycle amounted to 23.5% and is in the high category. The effectiveness of using Google Meet in online learning is averaged on the third indicator, as many as 40, 27% of students answered strongly agree, 60.78%, students answered agree 29.94% and the remaining 9.28% of students disagreed.


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