Optimization of the Utilization of 3B Bukersiracang as an Alternative Natural Purifier of Batik Color Waste
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Tuban is a small town in the East Java which is famous for its batik gedog industrial. The production center of batik gedog is located in Kerek Subdistrict. From the batik-making process, it produces liquid waste from coloring process. Batik coloring waste that’s disposed of directly without being processed can cause pollution. One of the solution is making natural purifier. The purpose of this research is to treat batik waste in Kerek, so it doesn’t endanger the environment in its disposal. Based on this problem, the authors made purifier from siwalan fibers (Borrassus flabellifer), corncobs (Zea mays), peanut shells (Arachis hypogae), moringa seeds (Moringa oleifera), and other materials. This research was conducted by interviewing one of the batik employees in Kerek who used to dispose of batik dyeing waste on the ground. The method used is experimental and documentation. Based on the results of the study, it is known that siwalan fibers, corncob, peanut shells, moringa seeds, gravel, charcoal, and stones can be used as the alternative to natural purifier batik dye waste. This is because these materials have the property of absorbing. The result is the waste from the batik dyeing that is clearer and safer for further disposal.
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