Policy Analysis of Counter-Radicalism Movement Through Religious Harmony Forum (Descriptive Study in Tasikmalaya District)


  • Ray Adhari Jajuri


radicalism, forum of religious harmony, policy analisis


Phenomenon of radicalism has been in the spotlight for decades, reviewed from various cases in 2018 including the greja bomb terror in Surabaya and terror attack on Mako Brimob, West Java. Acts of terror are one of the consequences of radicalism, but not every movement of radicalism leads to acts of terror. Prevention of radicalism movement should be through comprehensive government policies, from the national level to the District level. Tasikmalaya Government has its own way of unraveling regional problems that arise in the region, including the radicalism movement. The strategy used to prevent radicalism by forum religious harmony. Central role of forum that includes prevention and countermeasures of radicalism movement, as analyzing the movements that can cause this radical action that becomes the background of researchers to study the policy of countering radicalism in Tasikmalaya. The method in this paper use a case study method. With this method, the analysis on countering radicalism applied by Tasikmalaya Government through the Forum Religious Harmony as a situation. The results showed that religious harmony forums became a bright spot in prevention of radical movements. The strategy that executed certainly uses an approach in solving problems such as soft approach and hard approach.


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