Implementation of SMES Address Information Data Processing Database Design Using Python Programming


  • Muhammad Sholeh
  • Suraya
  • Dina Andayati


SMES, Flask Framework, database, python


This study aims to implement a database using Flask framework in Python programming language. The database management system used was MySQL. The database contained data about SME addresses. There were 5 interrelated tables that were the table of UKM, the table of alamat_UKM, the table of kelurahan, the table of kecamatan, and the table of kabupaten. The researchers applied the waterfall model. This model was carried out by taking a sequential approach in software development. The steps in this model were system and software requirements, analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance. This study resulted in 2 applications that were the Python-based application which was a server-side program and the website-based application which was a client-side program. In developing the applications, all processes in the database management system consisting of CRUDs (Create, Read, Update, Delete and Search) were developed, implemented, and processed in accordance with the transactional process in database management.


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