Analysis of the Availability of Digital Devices, Quotas, and Internet Networks on Student Motivation at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Maduran, Lamongan Regency


  • Abdul Hakam Mubarok
  • Tabitha Sri Hartati Wulandari


Availability of Digital Devices, Quota, Internet Network, Learning Motivation


This study aims to determine the factors - the availability of digital devices, quotas, and internet networks on student learning motivation. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique used a survey through a questionnaire. The research subjects were high school students of grade X, XI, and XII of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Maduran, Lamongan Regency. The survey data found that in terms of availability: 100 percent of students have digital mobile devices, ownership of laptops is 1 percent and ownership of computers is 0 percent. Data on the availability of wireless internet networks (Wireless Network) 38 percent, and 62 percent do not have internet network availability. Judging from the relationship between availability and student motivation, the availability level of digital devices for grade X students is 83 percent with a learning motivation level of 59 percent, the availability of digital devices for grade XI students: 76 percent with a learning motivation level of 53 percent, and the availability of digital devices for grade XII students. : 74 percent with a learning motivation level of 61 percent. It is concluded that the availability of digital devices, quotas, and internet networks has not been able to increase students' learning motivation, because internet assistance from the government cannot be utilized optimally.


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