Analysis of various times of boiling beef using papaya leaves (Carica papaya L.) and Jaranan leaves (Lannea coromandelica)


  • M. Luthfi
  • Supiana Dian Nurtjahyani


Beef boiling time, papaya leaf, jaranan leaf, soft


In the process of boiling beef, which is usually done by the community, most people only do the boiling process so that the level of maturity of the meat and the tenderness of the meat is still lacking, regardless of the specified time and the addition of ingredients to change the texture of the beef. The purpose of this study was to determine how long it takes to boil beef so that the meat becomes soft. The research method used is an experimental method with qualitative descriptive analysis with observations and 3 repetitions of the meat boiling process at different times. The results of the study of boiling beef were identified physically, taste and texture. With the results (P1) within 10 minutes of boiling time, it shows that the taste of the meat is slightly bitter and the meat is still hard (P2) when 15 minutes of boiling meat the bitter taste is slightly reduced, (P3) after 20 minutes of boiling it shows that the meat is tender and the bitter taste caused by papaya leaves is gone. So the conclusion is that the results of boiling beef wrapped in papaya leaves and adding jaranan leaves with a treatment time/(P3) of 20 minutes of boiling show that the beef is tender/soft, does not taste bitter, after the beef is seen from the physical, texture and taste.


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