The Integration of Balinese Local Wisdom Based on 4C in E-Learning of Science Subjects for Grade 8 at SMPN 1 Singaraja


  • I Putu Oktap Indrawan
  • I Gede Jaka Mahendra


e-learning, local wisdom, 4C, science subjects


E-learning is the best alternative for the learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic. The internet as a source of e-learning can have a negative impact on students; therefore it is necessary to instil the values of local wisdom as a fortress. In addition to local wisdom, one of the demands of the 4.0 Revolutionary Era towards the 5.0 Social Revolution is 4C skills. Therefore, it is very urgent to integrate 4C-based local wisdom in e-learning, especially science learning for Grade 8 Junior High Schools with students in the developmental level of adolescents who are still unstable. The purpose of this study is to find out: (1) the way to integrate Balinese local wisdom based on 4C in 8th grade science subjects; (2) curriculum analysis to classify the material of science subjects for grade 8 junior high schools that can be used for the development of e-learning integrated with Balinese local wisdom based on 4C; (3) implementation of an integrated e-learning design of Balinese local wisdom based on 4C in the 8th grade junior high school science subject in Google Classroom. The research method used is a literature review by reviewing various theories and previous research related to the material being studied. The results of the research show: (1) the way to integrate Balinese local wisdom in e-learning is to make syntax, content, and/or learning context, while 4C can be implemented in materials, practicum, discussion presentations, and work in small groups; (2) all materials of grade 8 junior high school science subjects can be used for the development of e-learning integrated with Balinese local wisdom based on 4C; (3) the implementation of an integrated e-learning design of Balinese local wisdom based on 4C in the grade 8 junior high school science subjects can be applied to Google Classroom.


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