Communication Patterns Of Santri From Broken Home Families In The Darussalam Islamic Boarding School


  • Roy Efendi
  • Mu’jizatin Fadiana


Comunication Patterns, Broken Home Families


The purpose of this study was to determine the communication patterns of the students with the background of broken home families at the Darussalam Paciran Lamongan Islamic boarding school. The focus of this research is the communication aspects of the santri, the stages of the communication process, the impact of broken home families and the role of accompanying teachers in helping the problems of students with their families. This type of research is a qualitative case study type research. The research subjects were three students with different backgrounds of broken home family problems. Data collection techniques are questionnaire methods, interviews and documentation studies to support existing data. The results showed that the subject has various stages of the communication process in terms of the many supporting aspects of communication that can be achieved by the subject. In the supporting aspects of communication, the three subjects have a number of different supporting aspects, this is also seen from the form of existing problems, parenting styles and how the subject sees and how to solve problems. The dominant impact possessed by the three subjects is a psychological impact. The accompanying teacher has the role of providing individual counseling services that are considered capable of helping improve communication in broken home families.


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