The Discourse Of Resistance To Education Progress In Indonesia In The Poem Kenangan Anak-Anak Seragam By Wiji Thukul


  • Alfian Setya Nugraha
  • Andrik Purwasito
  • Haris Supratno
  • Titis Srimuda Pitana


Discourse, Resistance, Progress, Indonesian Education


The discourse of resistance in education affects the condition of society. The world of education provides life teaching and forms a character or characteristic of a country. A person is taught about the various sciences, insights, and knowledge that are on this earth. The world of education is for all people who have the right to receive knowledge. Education does not look at religion, ethnicity, race, and class, all of them are the same to get a proper education. The world of education does not provide limitations for someone to study according to what they want, education is not a place for forcing someone to study in accordance with applicable regulations. Science does not stop to develop, this development cannot be prevented by the existing power system in a country. The discourse of resistance to the advancement of the world of education is described by Wiji Thukul as a complex problem, in which there are various aspects of life that influence it. Foucould's theory of discourse provides an overview of how the conditions of education have been affected by power. The purpose of this research is expected to provide an overview and ultimately improve the education system in Indonesia in particular and other countries in general.


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