Diversity of Insects in Tundung Musuh Conservation Area, Tasikmadu Village, Palang District, Tuban Regency


  • Liska Diah Pratiwi
  • Imas Cintamulya


mangrove conservationt, insects diversity, tundung musuh coast, insect habitat


Mangrove forest is a typical ecosystem in the coastal areas which is influenced by the tides of sea water. And its existence become a habitat for various types of insects. The diversity of insects is influenced by several factors, one of them is the habitat where the insect are located. The Tundung Musuh area is one of the places for preserving mangrove forests in Tasikmadu as a habitat for several types of insects and existence of insect diversity in this area has not been widely studied. The aim of this research was do identify  the diversity of insects in the Tundung Musuh Conservation Area at Tasikmadu Palang Tuban and used descriptive approach, with observation as the main data collection technique. The data showed that there were seven types of insect diversity, such as : Oncopeltus fasciatus family Lygaedae, Coccinella transversalis family Coccinellidae, Apis cerana  family Apidae, Valanga nigricornis family Acrididae, Apias nero family Pierididae, Sanurus indecora family Flatidae, and Plantala flavescens family Libelludidae. Based on the data analysis, it can be seen that the value of insect diversity was 1.66 which means medium, the uniformity value was 0.31, which means low and the dominance value was 0.3332 which means low. Based on this, it can  be concluded that Tundung Musuh isquit stable, which means that the Conservation Area is quite stable, which means that there is no striking dominance of certain species and is good enough for the growth of Insects.


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