Identification Of Macrozoobenthos Around Asmoro Qondi Coast Area, Gesikharjo Village, Palang District, Tuban Regency


  • Wahyu Maula Egidya
  • Imas Cintamulya


makrozoobenthos diversity, asmoro qondi coast, human activities, garbage


Asmoro Qondi  is a Coast located in Tuban Regency. There are various activities carried out by the community in the area, such as fishing, disposing of garbage, and selling food. Activities carried out by local communities will affect marine biota, one of which is Macrozoobenthos. With this, it is necessary to conduct research with the aim of identifying Macrozoobenthos in the coastal area of ​​Asmoro Qondi, Gesikharjo Village, Palang District, Tuban Regency. This type of research is a descriptive study using observational methods for data collection. Based on the research results found 1526 individuals of Macrozoobenthos consisting of 9 species from 8 families. Ocypode kuhii from the Ocypodidae family, Meccas marginela from the Cerambycidae family, Littorina littorea and Littorina scabra from the Littorinidae family, Cerastoderma glaucum from the Cardiidae family, Cerithium tenellum from the Cerithiidae family, Persicula variabilis from the Pisciidae family. The value of Macrozoobenthos species diversity is 1.62 which means moderate. The Macrozoobenthos uniformity value is 0.28 which means low. The dominance value of Macrozoobenthos is 0.2272 which means low. Based on the index of diversity, uniformity, and dominance, it shows that the Macrozoobenrhos on the coast of Asmoro Qondi is still low. This means that the condition of the coast of Asmoro Qondi with the large number of community activities affects the growth and development of Macrozoobenthos. Therefore, cooperation between local residents is needed so that the coast is preserved.


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