Implementasi of Photosythesis Learning Video to Improve the Critical Thingking ability of SD Students in the Era of Pandemy Covid-19


  • Endah Kusumawati
  • Heny Sulistyaningrum


Science Learning Videos, Critical Thingking Skills


Learning in the pandemic era requires teachers to be more innovative in delivering learning materials. The four skills that must be possessed by a teacher in the 21st century are known as the 4C which consists of critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. This study aims to describe the critical thinking of students in class IV SDN Prunggahan V, Semanding sub-district, Tuban district, totaling 36 students in science learning in terms of the application of learning videos about photosynthesis. This research is descriptive exploratory research. Data on critical thinking skills were obtained from student worksheets whose indicators refer to Bloom's taxonomy level C3 (applied) and C4 (Analysis). From the results of student data analysis, it can be concluded that the application of instructional videos in the pandemic era can improve students' critical thinking skills in process skills and analytical skills in science lessons regarding photosynthesis.


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