Implementation of STEAM-PjBL to Increase Learning Outcomes of Grade VI Elementary School Students


  • Retno Rahayu Setiyawin
  • Heny Sulistyaningrum


STEAM, PjBL, Outcomes learning


This research is motivated by the low level of learning outcomes of grade VI students. There are still many students who only memorize science material, but their abilities are low in applying the concepts that have been learned. So, it demands the teachers to make learning innovations. One of which is by implementing a STEAM-PjBL. That is learning where students completed a project to solve problems based on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math). The purpose of this research is to increased learning outcomes of 6th grade students using STEAM-PjBL. The data collection techniques using observation instruments and learning outcomes tests. The analysis data used in this research were quantitative descriptive. The results show that the STEAM-PjBL can increase the science learning outcomes of class VI SDN Dikir students, as indicated by the increase in students reaching KKM, namely 24 students out of 28 students with a percentage of 85,71%. STEAM-PjBL encourages students to be actively involved in learning, both cognitive, affective, and psychomotor, which have an impact on increase creative and innovative thinking skills in grade VI SDN Dikir students.


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