Application Of Snowball Throwing Learning Model To Improve Learning Outcomes of Writing Simple Dialogues


  • Nur’aini Fadhilah
  • Moh. Mu’minin


Snowball Throwing, , Learning Outcomes, Writing Skills


Based on the initial survey the learning outcomes of the fifth-grade students of SDN Tasikharjo, Jenu District, Tuban Regency in the Indonesian language subject, the material for writing simple dialogues are still low. The purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of fifth-grade students in the Indonesian subject matter of writing simple dialogues by applying the snowball throwing learning model. This research is a classroom action research using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data were collected through observation sheets, test instruments, and documentation, then analyzed using descriptive quantitative and qualitative descriptive methods with information obtained that the learning outcomes of Indonesian students in writing simple dialogues using the Snowball Throwing learning model in class V SDN Tasikharjo have increased. Quantitatively obtained data from the results of learning cycle I students get an average score of 73.6 then increase to 80 in cycle II. Meanwhile, qualitatively it shows that students are very active and enthusiastic in the learning process using the snowball throwing learning model. This can be seen in the results of the observations made.


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