Validity Of Numeration Akm Based Module Development To Improve Problem Solving Abilities Of Elementary School Students
validity, numeration module, problem-solvingAbstract
The PISA score for Indonesian mathematics in 2018 shows 71% of students are below the minimum competency. This is because the students' ability to solve problems is still low. Students' problem-solving abilities can be improved using numeracy AKM-based modules. How to develop numeracy AKM based modules to improve students' problem-solving skills? This study aims to produce quality numeracy AKM-based modules to improve students' problem-solving abilities. This research is development research by adapting the Plomp development model with four phases, namely the initial investigation phase, the design phase, the realization/construction phase, and the test, evaluation, and revision phases. There were 3 product tests carried out, namely the validity test, the practicality test, and the effectiveness test. However, in this study, the proposed product test only reached the validity test. Based on the results of the validation analysis of numeracy based AKM module development, the assessment scores obtained are as follows: title 4.3, preface 4.4, description of chapter 4.4, appropriateness of content 4.4, presentation of content 4.4, language rules and illustrations 4.5, Exercise 4.4, reference 3.8, other calibrations 4, so that the final score is 4.3. Thus, the numeracy AKM-based module is declared valid, so it is suitable for use by elementary school students in learning.
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