Measurement of the sound intensity level of motorized vehicles using the Sound Level Meter application


  • S Arum
  • N N Mulyaningsih
  • Y Dinihari
  • Z F A’ini
  • S Solihatun
  • F P Nursa’adah
  • E Wiyanti


Noise level, sound source, motorized vehicles, sound level meter


The use of motorized vehicles is currently increasing, especially in big cities in Indonesia. This condition can affect the environmental noise level. Therefore, in this study, a measurement of the sound intensity level of motorized vehicles on the ground was carried out in a certain time. The research method used was by directly measuring the sound source of 4 types of motorized vehicles, namely Trains, Motorbikes, Urban Transportation (Angkot) and Transjakarta in the Tanjung Priok-North Jakarta area using the Sound Level Meter application. Measurements were made at a distance of 50 cm from the source of the sound within 30 seconds. The measurement results show that the value fluctuates in the strong noise level category range (60 dB to 80 dB), with the Train producing the highest sound intensity level (67.03 ± 5.65 dB) and the lowest Angkot (62.70 ± 4.03 dB). The conclusion is that the sound intensity level of the four types of vehicles is still below the threshold value of 80 dB, so it is rationally safe for the sense of hearing even though they do not use hearing protection devices.


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