Raw Material Inventory Planning on Making Pasted Woven Cements Bags Using Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) Method at PT. ABC


  • Sugiarti Indah Pratiwi
  • Nanang Wicaksono
  • Anggia Kalista


Inventory, Material Requirement Planning, Lot for Lot, Least Unit Cost, Fixed Period Requirement


PT ABC is a manufacturing industry that produces cement bags. At this time in PT ABC especially the production of cement bags Pasted Woven often experienced a shortage of raw materials in its production resulting in hampered production process. Of these problems caused a huge inventory cost. Based on calculations using Material Requirement Planning (MRP) method at the stage of forecasting the request of the selected method for pasted woven cement bags 1P 40 Kg SG and 1P 50 Kg SG is a Double Moving Average method with a value of N =4. While in the aggregate planning of the selected strategy is Mixed Strategy with a total cost of Rp. 5,019,479,000. In material requirement planning (MRP) method with lot sizing technique it is known that PP Yarm plastic ore item, Master Batch, PE Lamination, and Red Ink SG using lot sizing Fixed Period Requirement method with total cost in a row is Rp. 68.608.170.500, Rp. 3.232.731.480, Rp. 15.468.892.335, and Rp. 725.982.450. While Filler, PP Lamination, and Black Ink SG using the method of lot sizing Lot for Lot or Least Unit Cost with a total cost of Rp. 1.802.916.325, Rp. 74.856.745.350, and Rp. 635.701.350. From the results of the research obtained that the total cost of the company's inventory is Rp. 178,159,275,417 while using the Material Requirement Planning method of Rp. 165,331,139,790, so that savings of Rp. 12,828,135,627 with efficiency of 7.20%.


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