Historical Awareness In The Context Of Developing The Ethnicity Of Nationalism And The Nation


  • Mardi Widodo


Historical Awareness, Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Nation State


Historical awareness is basically the basic foundation of a nation in maintaining and preserving the existence of a nation. Historical awareness can be used in overcoming existing social conflicts. The establishment of the national state is based on the ethnicities that exist within the territory of the country. This ethnicity strives for independence armed with a spirit of nationalism so as to be able to establish a nation-state. The involvement of ethnicity in building nationalism and the nation-state is based on historical awareness. The existence of misery, poverty, ignorance and backwardness become the trigger for the birth of awareness together and live together in freedom. The factors of historical awareness in ethnicity gave birth to the spirit of nationality to establish and establish a nation-state. The ideology of nationalism has become an important element in arousing ethnic nationalism in establishing a nation state. In achieving the goal of establishing a national state, each ethnicity eliminates its stand. The primodialism of the ethnicity ego acculturates common interests towards the strength of nationalism. It can be concluded that historical awareness has a causal relationship in developing ethnicity, nationalism of a nation in establishing a nation state.


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