The Importance Of Early Introduction To Economic Education Materials In Elementary School Children


  • Saputra Mahardika Editya
  • Usep Supriatna


Financial literacy education, early childhood


Regarding the importance of the early introduction of economic education materials for elementary school-aged children. Financial literacy education is needed to educate people to be aware and understand how to manage finances wisely and according to their needs. Inculcating the value of financial literacy as early as possible in children will greatly affect the understanding and knowledge of financial literacy and the level of welfare in the future. The cognitive characteristics of children who are still concrete and still in the development stage are very effective in instilling the value of financial literacy. The family, which is the first community, is a place to instill the very effective values of financial literacy. The role of schools is also very important in providing knowledge about financial literacy education to children. Through basic understanding, career learning, and the development of basic skills or skills as a provision for future careers, it can be simply applied in integrated learning and made as concrete as possible according to children's thinking.


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