Representation of The Impact of Patriarchal Culture on Women in 19th Century through "Little Women" 2019 Movie


  • Rissa Sofia Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe
  • Christina Innocenti Tumiar Panggabean Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe


Little Women, Patriarchy, Gender Discrimination, Liberal Feminism


Patriarchy is a social system that sustains male superiority in multiple spheres of life and is constructed, preserved, and transmitted across to the generations that follow and grown into a culture. The patriarchal system emerged in America during the colonial era of the 18th century. Little Women (2019) is a film based on Louisa May Alcott's novel of the same title written in 1868. The purpose of this research is to explore how patriarchal culture defined American women’s lives in the nineteenth century presented in Little Women (2019) movie. This research used descriptive qualitative method. In order to analyze the data the researchers applied Naomi Wolf’s theory of liberal feminism and semiotic theory by Roland Barthes. The result indicated that several scenes in the movie, set during nineteenth century in Concord, Massachusetts, depict the lives of American women under male dominance. The implementation of patriarchal culture in society restricts how women behave in multiple facets of life, including education, marriage, employment, and individual autonomy.


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