Language as a Character Education Tool: An Exploration of Innovative Learning Practices in Indonesia


  • Syamsul Ghufron Universitas Mahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
  • Kaswadi Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya


character education, Indonesian language, innovative learning, education in Indonesia, curriculum development


This research aims to deepen the understanding of the role of language as a tool for character education in the Indonesian educational context, particularly through the exploration of innovative learning practices implemented in various schools. The study investigates how language is used as a medium to instill essential character values, such as integrity, empathy and collaboration among students. To achieve this objective, the research adopted a qualitative approach with a case study method, involving direct observation and in-depth interviews with teachers, students, as well as content analysis of learning materials in five selected primary schools in Indonesia. These schools were chosen for their uniqueness and success in integrating language approaches in their character education curriculum. The results of this study show that the strategic use of language in the learning process can enhance the internalization of character values by students. In addition, this study also revealed that teachers play a key role in facilitating and directing language interactions that support character learning. The conclusion of this study confirms that language is a powerful tool for character education provided it is combined with appropriate learning methods and adequate curriculum support.


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