The Implementation of Wordwall to Increase the Tenth Grade Students’ Engagement in English Learning at MA Salafiyah Kerek
English Learning, Student Engagement, WordwallAbstract
This research focused on the implementation of Wordwall to increase the tenth grade students’ engagement in English learning at MA Salafiyah Kerek. This research aims to analyzed how does the implementation of Wordwall to increase the tenth grade students’ engagement in English learning at MA Salafiyah Kerek and what are the students’ responses to the implementation of Wordwall to increase the tenth grade students’ engagement in English learning at MA Salafiyah Kerek. This research used qualitative research and the data collection was carried out through questionnaire, interviews, and documentation. The research design was descriptive approach. The finding in this research showed that implemented Wordwall in English learning is well. First, the researcher explained about the Wordwall and reviewed the narrative text material, then the students were invited to carry out various activities with the Wordwall platform, it seemed that the students were interested and wanted to be involved in learning. The result in this research indicated that students’ responses were positive, students were active and enjoyed the learning process. The results of interviews and questionnaire also showed positive responses from students, so the researcher concluded that Wordwall platform was positively applied to increase students’ engagement in English learning.
Keywords: English Learning; Student Engagement; Wordwall
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