Analysis of Meaning in Limbo Song Lyric


  • Rohmatun Nanda Nafiah Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban
  • Dyah Kurniawati Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban


Meaning, Limbo, Keshi


Language is often used as a means of communication, human interaction is also not separated from the use of language. Language is an important tool for communicating, feeling, expressing opinions and can be used as an artistic symbol. Without language we can not respond other people say and idea. Semantics is the study of meaning in a language. Meaning is an explanation or understanding given to something, such as words, symbols, or actions, so that it can be understood by others. This study aims to analyze the meaning contained in Limbo song lyric by Keshi. The method used in this study is qualitative methods. To collect the data the researchers listening and read the song lyrics. The researchers use theory from Yule [1] to analyze meaning of Limbo song lyric. The result of the study indicates that the meaning in Limbo’s song lyrics is about one’s anxiety in an uncertain life. Then, he is looking for his own way out to the problems of his life.


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