Flipbook, Educational Research, Student Learning OutcomesAbstract
The purpose of this study is to create a flipbook product for the fifth semester of Nusa Cendana University's education research course, with the goal of meeting student learning objectives. The term flipbook is no longer unfamiliar, especially when it made its way to Indonesia. The flipbooks one type of digital book that is becoming more and more popular. Flipbooks are essentially digital books that are three-dimensional and can include text, pictures, videos, music, lyrics, and animated animations. Flipbooks themselves fall under the umbrella of digital books, or ebooks. Development, or more formally known as Research and Development (R&D), is this research methodology. The goal of this project is to create a novel tool that facilitates learning. Research and creation (R&D) using the 4 D paradigm (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) is used in the creation of Sony Vegas Media using the Anchored Instruction methodology. findings from research Results of a limited-scale survey conducted by 15 sixth-semester students in the study program Recreation for Physical Education, Health, and Education. Out of 16 questions, 89.83% of the students' responses fell into the "Very Good" category. In summary: A creative way to enhance student learning outcomes in educational research courses could be to create flipbooks. Flipbooks can offer a more engaging and dynamic learning environment through the use of technology and a methodology.
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