Adapting Teaching at The Right Level (TaRL) in English Instruction


  • Fathul Muin Principal of SMPN 2 Tuban, East Java, Indonesia


TaRL (teaching at the right level), flexibility, differentiated instruction, interest, potential


This article aims to share the idea of an approach of teaching adapted from Pratham (India’s NGO). Lots of teachers have problems of what happened during pandemic era of Covid-19 when unwanted facts have occurred in education sector in Indonesia. Students underwent ‘learning loss’. They have not been  motivated to read or to learn. They have been ‘addicted’ to cell phones by playing games, enjoying youtubes, and chatting through other social media. The teachers must realize that this condition will be worse and even worst if they do not find ways to minimize bad things because of their inability to teach students by implementing a new appropriate approach or strategy for their class.

Teaching at The Right Level (TaRL) is one of the options to solve the problem of learning loss. Teachers begin with assessing their students before teaching in order to know the students’ prior ability and what they want to. So the teachers will comprehend what is happening and eventually they will be able to design their learning scenario to achieve the learning achievement based on the students level of ability.

Teaching at The Right Level (TaRL) is a learning approach that does not refer to class but refers to students’ abilities. TaRL can overcome gaps in understanding that have occurred in the classroom. Teachers must know their students prior knowledge, their interests, and their learning styles. Students are different from each other in one class. The teachers have to serve students based on their characteristics. The teachers also have to know which strategies, learning materials, learning resources, learning products that are concord with the students’ needs.

The steps of applying TaRL approach are 1) to have pre-assessment to the students to know their characteristics, potential, needs, 2) to arrange an appropriate learning process through a lesson plan, 3) to teach students accordance with their level of competence; and to assess students to know their progress.


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How to Cite

Muin, F. (2023). Adapting Teaching at The Right Level (TaRL) in English Instruction. The Proceedings of International Conference: Ronggolawe English Teaching Conference (RETCO), 11(1), 1–10. Retrieved from

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