The Analysis of Google Translate in English-Indonesian Slang Terms Translation of Social Media Post “Facebook”


  • Budi Susatyo Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban
  • Gemilang Indra Yuliarti Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban


Google Translate, slang terms, social media, Facebook


Slang terms is not an official language or it is informal language. There is no formal classification in slang terms. Slang language is the linguistic prerogative of young people and generally sound odd in the mouth of an older people, (Holmes, 2001: 167) which is related with culture and social system of certain community who use the language. In this study concern with analysis of Google Translate in English- Indonesian slang terms translation of social media post “Facebook”. Google Translate is the most famous and favorite trans-tool in the world, easy to access and easy to use. Besides that the writer put Facebook as a media in this research it can show the daily life of using slang terms by people post. The purpose of this study is to find out the problems faced by Google translate in English-Indonesian slang terms translation of social media post “Facebook” and to find out the kinds of slang terms that are accurate translated by Google Translate in English-Indonesian slang terms translation of social media post “Facebook”. The writer uses descriptive qualitative method which is considered to be relevant to this research and the data taken randomly, there are ten Facebook posts. From the data have been analyzed it can be concluded that Google translate cannot capture the rhetoric, beauty, sarcasm of a language or emotional aspect especially in spoken language. The kinds of word formation English-Indonesian slang terms of social media post “Facebook” translated by Google that accurate are nothing. Google Translate have less accurate to inaccurate translation from 20 slang have been found.


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How to Cite

Susatyo, B., & Indra Yuliarti, G. (2022). The Analysis of Google Translate in English-Indonesian Slang Terms Translation of Social Media Post “Facebook”. The Proceedings of International Conference: Ronggolawe English Teaching Conference (RETCO), 7(1), 38–47. Retrieved from