Developing The Students' Ability in Writing Descriptive by Using Project Based Learning at The Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Semanding


  • Moch. Maskuri The Lecturer of Unirow English study Program and The English teachher of SMP N I Semanding


Writing descriptive, Project based learning


This research aims to describe the process of improving the students’ competence in writing descriptive by using project based learning at the seventh grade of SMP N I Semanding, Tuban. This research is carried by using classroom action research. The subject of the study is class A of seventh grade of SMP N I Semanding, Tuban. The writer only takes class A that consists of 30 students. In conducting the research, the writer uses the procedure of classroom action research. They are planning, Acting, Observing and Reflecting. In collecting the data the writer uses the following procedures: Conducting the observation and giving test. In analyzing the data the writer uses the procedure of collecting data. they are describing the process of improving the students , correcting the students test, and . Based on the research descriptive is done in two cycles. In cycle 1, the students had not been able to is found that some of the students had not been able to achive Then, the writer did the second cycle. Based on the test result of second cycle, it is varage score is 73,5. It is categorized as good. It can be concluded that Project based grade of SMP N I Semanding, Tuban.


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How to Cite

Moch. Maskuri. (2023). Developing The Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive by Using Project Based Learning at The Seventh Grade of SMPN 1 Semanding. The Proceedings of International Conference: Ronggolawe English Teaching Conference (RETCO), 11(1), 136–147. Retrieved from

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