Roleplay and Students' Confidence in Speaking in English: A Case Study in a Public High School in Surabaya




Kata Kunci:

Self- Confidence, English Speaking Skills, Role Play Activities


The issue of challenges in speaking in English in the Indonesian ELT context has been long attracting researchers and educators. Yet, many problems regarding the issues still remain unsolved. This article presents a case study on aspects influencing students’ confidence in speaking in English and the use of roleplay to improve their confidence. The study was conducted in an Indonesian public school in Surabaya. Involving 36 students at the school as the respondents, the data collection went through unstructured interviews and questionnaires. The data highlights that the highest percentage of 24 (66.6%) students strongly agree that the students feel confident when their pronunciation is better. The findings indicate that the self-confidence factor of high school students in Surabaya is influenced by affecting factors (e.g., becoming the center of attention, tense of atmosphere in the class) and cognitive influencing factors (e.g., mastery of grammar, mastery of vocabulary, pronunciation, the problem; lack of encouragement, pressure, afraid of being ridiculed.) on self-confidence in improving English speaking skills. In addition, related to increasing the confidence of students speaking English using task strategies that make it easier for students and types of activities that don’t make students anxious (e.g., work pairs, work in teams, forum group discussion.). Therefore, the senior high school students feel that role play activities can help in increasing students' activeness and confidence in speaking English.


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Cara Mengutip

Habibah, J. F., & Asmiyah, S. (2023). Roleplay and Students’ Confidence in Speaking in English: A Case Study in a Public High School in Surabaya: English. THE PROCEEDINGS OF NATIONAL SEMINAR OF RETCO, 11(1), 85–97. Diambil dari