Project-Based Learning in Teaching ESP‘S Students Creatively


  • Dian Arsitades Wiranegara Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban

Kata Kunci:

Networked, Project-Based Learning


ESP or English for Specific Purposes is focused on specific needs of (commonly) adult learners to be used in their specific fields, such as law, economics, science and academic learning (Dudley-Evans, 2001 in Suyato & Octoberlina). The specific refers to the specific purposes of learning English. It will equip the learners wth advanced level of competence of using English in particular field of knowledge. Hence, all material of English language teaching is designed specifically in accordance with their field subject as English is needed by a particular group of learners or learners of specialist domain. For this reason, the collaboration or the practice of Project-Based Learning is also practical and purposeful to encourage its students to learn creatively based on their field of interest. Project-Based Learning is curriculum fueled and standard based, The George Lucas Educational Foundation (2005). It has been developed in developed countries, one of them, is in United States of America, as well as in developing countries such as in Indonesia, Malaysia, and throughout South East Asia countries. If is it translated literally, means learning aimed to have a final project in the end of teaching and learning process. Nonetheless, this process does not stop just the time the students present and submit their task.


Global SchoolNet. (2000). Introduction to Networked Project-Based Learning.

Sari, Rina. 2012. ―Project-Based Learning dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Asing‖. Paper presented at UIN Malang

Suyanto, Kasihani K.E. & Octaberlina L.R. 2011. ―The Teaching Techniques to

Encourage Students to Speak.‖ Paper presented at the School of Humanity and Culture of UIN Malang.

The George Lucas Educational Foundation. 2005. Instructional Module Project-Based Learning.

Wringley, H.S. 1998. Knowledge in Action: The Promise of Project-Based Learning.



Cara Mengutip

Arsitades Wiranegara , D. (2023). Project-Based Learning in Teaching ESP‘S Students Creatively. THE PROCEEDINGS OF NATIONAL SEMINAR OF RETCO, 2(1), 90–92. Diambil dari