The Use Microsoft Mouse Michief to Creat an Interactive Power Point Presentation in English Lesson


  • Retno Sihtriani Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban

Kata Kunci:

interactive, educational innovation, technology, Microsoft Mouse Mischief


In this era, technology has been begun dominating all aspects of human life, including in education sector. Teachers are expected to try some innovations with his/her teaching material and methodology by utilizing technology. The aim of this paper is giving knowledge of how to utilize ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in creating a creative teaching and learning process in order to improve the quality of learning and students‘ learning motivation. One of recommended free programmes is Microsoft Mouse mischief, which is an add-on to Microsoft PowerPoint. It has some benefits, such as engaging students, making the class atmosphere more interesting, and improving the students‘ achievement. On the other hands, it also has the weaknesses, such as the depending on the electricity current and not supporting some PowerPoint features (hyperlink, action, video, audio, animation, and transition). Regardless the weaknesses, it is recommended for teachers and other education practitioners in utilizing ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to create a creative teaching and learning process in order to improve the quality of learning and the students‘ learning motivation.


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Cara Mengutip

Sihtriani, R. (2023). The Use Microsoft Mouse Michief to Creat an Interactive Power Point Presentation in English Lesson. THE PROCEEDINGS OF NATIONAL SEMINAR OF RETCO, 2(1), 170–181. Diambil dari