Developing Digital Story Telling to Implement Portofolio Assessment


  • Rizka Safriyani Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban

Kata Kunci:

Develope, Storytelling


In attempting to move away from the traditional classroom testing based on paper and pencil test, Portfolios are intended to aid teachers in the evaluation of students' oral and written work by showing a student's progression. A student's oral ability can be assessed through the use of audio and/or video recordings. All drafts of written work must be submitted to show improvement and advancement. Digital story telling which explore imagery, moving imagery, video, sound, and text can be used to facilitate the implementation of Portfolio Assessment. Digital story telling will show students‘ ownership in their story and redefine their understanding toward the way they are assessed in English Language Teaching. Digital story telling promotes students engagement in the task.     


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Cara Mengutip

Safriyani , R. (2023). Developing Digital Story Telling to Implement Portofolio Assessment. THE PROCEEDINGS OF NATIONAL SEMINAR OF RETCO, 2(1), 213–222. Diambil dari