English Teaching - The ‘Best Method’


  • Dee Johnson Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban

Kata Kunci:

english teaching, best method


Firstly let us look atour theme for today. English teaching - the ‘best’ method? There is a question mark? So is there a ‘best method?’ Let’s also look at the words ‘teaching’ and ‘method’. How about instead of teaching we look at what really matters -which is learning? I think we worry far too much about what we do, about our input rather than how and what the students learn. We can tell them everything in the curriculum but 1% is remembered because they weren’t involved. Better give 10% that they enjoy and remember-the rest they can do themselves IF they like it. As for method, well it’s a way of doing something, but it can also mean putting things in order; There are methods for making cakes, growing plants-some say water, some no water and so on; and bringing up children! Sometimes I think there are as many ways of bringing up children as there are families! Some parents care and worry, others take it easy-children fall and hurt themselves, they have to cry-that’s life and so it is! But the babies, the children, the adults-we all survive somehow and we all learn language! So let us look at some ‘methods’ for teaching language: Grammar/translation: Silent Way: Communicative Competence: Complete Immersion: Natural Way: Task-based: Situational learning


Prabhu, Nagore S. "There is no best method—Why?." Tesol quarterly 24.2 (1990): 161-176.

Echevarria, Jana, MaryEllen Vogt, and Deborah Short. "Making content comprehensible for English learners: The SIOP model." (2008).

Menken, K. (2008). English learners left behind: Standardized testing as language policy (Vol. 65). Multilingual Matters.



Cara Mengutip

Dee Johnson. (2023). English Teaching - The ‘Best Method’. THE PROCEEDINGS OF NATIONAL SEMINAR OF RETCO, 1(1), 30–34. Diambil dari http://prosiding.unirow.ac.id/index.php/retco/article/view/1820

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