Improving The Eighth Grade Students’ Writing Skill In Descriptive Text By Using Youtube Video


  • Christina I.T. Panggabean
  • Defi Rahayu H. Aini Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

Kata Kunci:

writing skill, YouTube video, descriptive text.


This article has two objectives : to describe the process of using YouTube videos to improve the students’ writing skill in descriptive text, and to know the students’ responses toward the use of YouTube video used in writing class. This research used classroom action research method which was done in two cycles, and each cycle consisted of four stages; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. There were 32 eighth grade students became the subject of the research. The instruments of the research were observation checklist, questionnaire, and test. The result of this research shows that teaching and learning by using YouTube video could improve the students’ writing skill in descriptive text and they gave positive responses toward the media. Regarding the students’ writing skill, the improvements include: the students were able to develop their idea, use appropriate grammar, and correct spelling and puntuation. Related to the students’ responses, they did not feel bored, but enjoyed the class in the teaching and learning process. It is recommended that the English teacher apply YouTube video in teaching and learning process, so that the students writing skill can improve and they will enjoy the writing class.


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Cara Mengutip

I.T. Panggabean, C., & Rahayu H. Aini, D. (2022). Improving The Eighth Grade Students’ Writing Skill In Descriptive Text By Using Youtube Video. THE PROCEEDINGS OF NATIONAL SEMINAR OF RETCO, 7(1), 31–37. Diambil dari