Grammar Translation Method on Hillary Clinton Makes History Speech
Kata Kunci:
Google translate, GTM, Indonesian Translation, phrase patterns, sentence patternAbstrak
This study aims to get a description of the Language Style Translation used by Hillary Clinton are : to describe the Language style Translation which are used in Hillary Clinton's speech, entitled: "Hillary Clinton makes history speech" and to determine the Language style used by Hillary Clinton in her speech entitled: "Hillary Clinton makes history speech". The goal of this study is a study of the Language Style Translation in a speech on Youtube com with its subtitle, on March 14, 2018 entitled "Learn English Hillary Clinton makes history speech". The data collection method used in this research is by listening, reading, writing and recording Hillary Clinton's speech texts repeatedly and understanding, identifying, and clarifying the style of language Translation which are used during her speech. The writer uses qualitative descriptive research because in this research is explored to the whole speech of Hilary Clinton with the goal of analyzing and determining the type of suitable Language Style and its Indonesian Translation in phrase pattern and sentence pattern. The subject of this study is Hillary Clinton's speech entitled: "Hillary Clinton makes history speech". Indonesian Translation of The Language Style used by Hillary Clinton. The style of language used by Hillary Clinton can give an easy positive understanding Indonesian Translation Using GTM in phrase pattern and sentence pattern and enthusiasme for the readers of this paper study Grammar and Figurative Language through Google translate on Hillary Clinton makes a history speech ". Stored messages can enhance 'understanding' or 'message comprehension'. The use of language style in Hillary Clinton's speech can facilitate understanding Indonesian Translation and Grammar. Complex ideas may be conveyed more clearly through figurative language and slogan rethorically as well as Indonesian Translation. Stored messages can help to 'alert' a message. The use of various syntactic patterns or figurative words and Grammar can also help the students remember an important element in studying Translation using Google translate and Grammar Translation Method
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