The Effectiveness of “Personal Vocabulary Note (PVN)” Technique to Increase Vocabulary


  • Muhammad Saibani Wiyanto STKIP PGRI Jombang

Kata Kunci:

Effectiveness, Personal Vocabulary Note (PVN), Vocabulary


Vocabulary is one of the most important language components, which has to be mastered and acquired by the students in learning a new language. Vocabularies are totals number of word which (with rule for combining them) makes up a language. In the simple definition, it is known that vocabulary is a list of words. In achieving English vocabularies, it is needed effective way. One of the ways to learn English vocabulary is by using Personal Vocabulary Note (PVN). The researcher conducted this research to answer two questions, namely: 1) How many is the score of the students before being taught by using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) and after being taught by using Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN)? 2)  How effective is Personal Vocabulary Notes (PVN) in increasing the students‘ vocabulary achievement? 

After taking and analyzing the data, the researcher concluded the finding of the research. From the research which had been conducted, it could be known that Personal Vocabulary Note (PVN) was effective to increase the students‘ vocabulary achievement. It could be known from the test. In analyzing the test, the researcher used t-test to know the t-value from the result of pre-test and post-test.  The result of t-value was 10, 929. It was higher than t-table with level significant 5% which showed 2, 069. 


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Cara Mengutip

Wiyanto, M. S. (2023). The Effectiveness of “Personal Vocabulary Note (PVN)” Technique to Increase Vocabulary. THE PROCEEDINGS OF NATIONAL SEMINAR OF RETCO, 11(1), 148–167. Diambil dari